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Make your communications effective

How you communicate with your prospects, customers, suppliers or resellers is vital in business. Think of it has having a conversation with a friend, after all people buy from people.

The way to make your communications work effectively for your business comes down to your strategy and execution. Here's a few tips on how to get started:

  • List all the types of business you deal with, categorise them if you can into (I've used the example above):

  • Prospect

  • Customer

  • Supplier

  • Reseller

  • List all the types of things you want to share with them ie:

  • Special offers

  • New product or service available

  • Company news

  • Events attended

  • Training available

  • List all the communication channels you have available ie:

  • Email

  • Letter

  • Website

  • Social media

  • Advertising

Now you've got a great picture of what you want to say, start creating your schedule for when you'd like updates to happen for example you might want to target your resellers with a different product each month including technical information, support etc. Your customers you might want to target every month with a company round-up - what's been happening in your business that they might be interested in etc. Think about the channel you might use and what time of day it might be best to send your message.

Think about how you'll send these messages, the branding required or landing page it might need created for your website and plot that into your schedule. Some work may be required to prepare for your message to be sent out.

Your messages should always include a 'call to action', what do you want the receipient to do when they receive it - call you? Book a meeting? Visit your website?

Lastly make sure that you monitor the results of the communication, it will show you how effective your message has been with your audience and help you to generate more revenue for your business.

If you'd like help with your communications, why not drop us a line at

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