Up up and away!!!
So this week we found ourselves reminiscing about the past with fond memories and astonishment about how different things are now.
We're talking about the days when you didn't have an email as standard, when the internet wasn't accessible to everyone and snail mail/advertising in newspapers/magazines was the everyday life of a marketer. It really wasn't that long ago - that's the amazing thing.
Today marketing is about analytics; measuring web traffic, email read rates/click throughs, retweets, likes and favourites. It's fast paced, affordable and changes can be made quickly for better effect. Even adverts placed in magazines can have whizzy effects applied that when scanned with a smartphone can bring the page to life. Its much more dynamic and can really make your target audience engaged faster which in return brings a quicker return on investment.
So let's throw away those rose coloured glasses, hop on our hover-scooter (that's one for a fan of the Weekly Croak ;-)) and glide into the weekend - have fun and stay safe!
NB. In the interests of health and safety we will be wearing helmets and knee pads lol